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Instructions for the CadCao products

The licenses of CadCao products are related to a computer (its name and the serials of C: unit )

All the CadCao applications need a file of license, even free trial version

With the exception of macro TrAxeWork which can run for testing without license file .


For generating a license file by CdaCao , we need you to to follow these instructions :

1°) download the complete program . ( it is a self extractible file ).

2°) extract files from archive.

3°) Start "Setup.exe" and follow the instructions. Take care in the name of the default repertory suggested, change it if necessary.

4°) in the installation directory , start the application. There not yet license file for this application , so program save the needed information in a .info file located in \lic directory 

Note: the license file is built on computer's name on which it is installed and the unit c: serials .

5°)  send in the shape of a file joint to a mall , the file with the extension " info " to the following address:

  • For a request for license of free trial (30 days): . Attention, the 30 days start at the date of generation of the license and not at the installation date.

  • For a request for permanent license: . The supply of these license type will be done only if your complete payment for this product has been received by CadCao.

6°) by return of Emall, we send to you a self extractible file of the license file. During the extraction, a file ".lic " will be extracted and normally placed in the same repertory as the file "info".


= >  Email treatment is not yet automatic ,  we will make our possible to answer you in 24 hours.

= > In the event of computer's or hard disk's change , you will need a new licenses file . You just have to repeat these instructions .

Version Française